Bishop's University left you the following instructions:

Message content tips:
  • Adress your donor with the name that was sent to you on the award email, for example, "Hello Mr. & Mrs. Johnston"
  • Introduce yourself and tell your donor where you are from, what year you are in and what you are studying.
  • Thank them and mention the name of the award (never mention the amount you received)
  • Mention any special clubs or activities you participate in
  • Explain what their gift means to you and how it will help you
  • Thank them again!
  • Be yourself and have fun!

Recording Tips:
  • Keep your message short and sweet, 30 seconds to 1-minute max
  • You can record directly to ThankView on your desktop or mobile device.
  • Make sure to film horizontally so you fill the frame.
  • When recording with a phone or tablet, use a tripod or prop it up with something like books for stability. Try not to hold it.
  • Keep your device close for good sound quality but far enough away that you are the focus. Try 3-4 feet.
  • Choose a location that provides balanced lighting. Try to find a room that has a lot of natural light.
  • Record with the window facing you so you benefit from the natural light. If the window is behind you, you will appear shadowed.
  • Choose a flattering angle for your recording. Shooting from below is not usually a person’s best angle.
  • Avoid echo chambers. Oftentimes sparse offices or conference rooms with glass walls can create a lot of echoes.
  • Avoid blustery locations or areas with a lot of foot or vehicle traffic as your device’s mic may pick up noise.
  • Avoid wearing something extremely bright as it will wash you out on camera. Ideally, wear some BU merch!

Have fun!

If you're satisfied with your recording, click Submit Video below.

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